Nikhil Badlani, an 11-year-old boy, was killed by a driver who ran a STOP sign.

We promised him that he would not be yet another statistic.

Help us keep our promise.


JUNE 11, 2021

What We Do

Traffic Safety Awareness

Traffic Safety Awareness

Educating drivers on safe driving practices
Music For Nikhil

Music For Nikhil

Nurturing the musical talent in our children
Academic Scholarships

Academic Scholarships

Helping children realize their dreams

What We Have Done

Traffic Safety
Invested over $300K to educate drivers, impacting around 9,000 students across 31 schools. Created 35 Traffic Safety Murals and donated 150 reflector strips to police departments.
Music For Nikhil
NBF has provided music lessons to more than 160 children, over 2,900 in instructional hours. Each year the lessons culminate with the "Musical Celebration and Tribute to Nikhil" performance.
Academic Scholarship
Honoring Nikhil's love for academia, NBF has awarded more than $250K in academic scholarships to over 165 students in NJ.
Safety Pledge
Our goal is to keep roads safe. We do so by having all drivers, especially new drivers take the STOP For Nikhil Safety Pledge. Over 12,000 people have pledged to drive safe.

What People Say ?

Meet Our Volunteers

Lisa Renwick

Lisa Renwick

Marketing Consultant
Nikhil was my neighbor and my dear friend. Volunteering for NBF is important to me because I can honor Nikhil memory and his family, while helping to create awareness regarding the dangers of distracted driving. It’s about educating the masses to help save lives.
Roz Moskovitz Bielski

Roz Moskovitz Bielski

My father Irving Moskovitz was killed while crossing the road in WO. For years I thought it was an “accident“ but I have since learned that traffic violence is preventable. While, the Badlanis and I have bonded over a tragedy I feel fortunate to work alongside this foundation to save lives.
Sarah Kravits

Sarah Kravits

I assist NBF with photography work to honor Nikhil, and my brother Frank who died in a car crash. I support the foundation’s essential work of saving lives out of love and respect for Nikhil and the Badlani family, who have been my close friends for many years.
Lori Kapferer

Lori Kapferer

I’m grateful for the opportunity to volunteer with NBF and feel drawn to their mission. I continue to honor Nikhil’s memory through educating fellow students about traffic safety and supporting the effort of providing music lessons and educational opportunities to students.

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